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Hi My Friends and Welcome aboard to Sailor Mike's Gospel Station located in Belleview Florida near Ocala and the Villages. You can reach us at 239-227-9304 and My name is Mike Storozuk and I served 4 years of active duty in the United States Navy and was Honorably discharged as a GMG2, Gunners Mate Guns Second Class. I was saved many years ago by the LORD when I realized my sins, my wrong doings in life were truly hurting me spiritually, mentally and physically and bringing me down to a possible total ruin. I needed help and it was the Gospel, the good news of JESUS CHRIST that saved me! I believed in JESUS with all my heart and called upon HIM to save me from my sins. And with that for an opener my message is entitled: Your Life needs Saving! Time passes and our life as we know it will pass away and:

We will no longer be physically alive on this earth, for death will overtake us. We are powerless to stop it, for the Word of GOD says in the book of Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.)



Part of your destiny in life is to someday die. What is your plan for dying? What do you think will happen to you? The Bible tells us the answer. In the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16 we read: For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.) You will perish away into everlasting pain and suffering if you do not receive JESUS as your Saviour. HE can save you! You need to come and ask to be saved! HE wants to save you! The Bible in the Book of Romans chapter 3 verse 10 says this: (As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.) You need JESUS CHRIST to save you! In the Book of Romans it also says: (For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of GOD.) 

JESUS loves you! HE wants to see you saved before you die and not face an awful judgment! JESUS came to save us from our sins, wrong doings against HIM and we sin by also doing wrong against ourselves and others by not doing right in the eyes of the LORD. You need to realize this and make plans now to see yourself saved before it is too late. Believe today and Call upon HIS name now and receive forgiveness of your sins. You will be forgiven and receive Eternal Life and when you die you will go to Heaven where JESUS is. This is the peace you want! Judgment is not what you want! Don't perish away! A lifeline from GOD has come your way, Take it! -For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved- From The Book of Romans in the Holy Bible Chapter 10 verse 13. Believe and Trust in JESUS! HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS NOR WILL EVER! Contact me if you need assistance, a Lifeline. During the last 2 years I have been stricken by cancer and realize life is short so believing in the LORD is a PLUS....Cancer may take my life, but JESUS has hold of my life and someday will take me up to Heaven when I pass away. Whatever your issues are, Come to JESUS CHRIST! There is HOPE for you! JOY for you! Eternal Life for you in Peace and Love! No pain and suffering in Heaven! Amen.

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