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Sunday Morning Gospel Station Assembly

Don't feel loved today? Having a tough time in life wondering what will happen to you today or someday in the future or perhaps you are thinking about eternity after you die.

Think about this, you can Believe in someone powerful and HIS LOVE today because you cannot work your way to Heaven or do many good works to get there by your power and no one else can save you except JESUS. The LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIS love for us died a horrible death on a wooden cross shedding HIS blood, HIS body bleeding out with Holy blood that cleansed sin, our sins so we could be saved from punishment and not go to Hell where we would suffer for all eternity. Now you must come to HIM to receive this GIFT. By faith believe in HIM and come today, HE offers you the way out from eternal damnation. Claim that gift today! Have forgiveness of sins! Be clean from sin because JESUS shed HIS blood for them. Come! HE is the Eternal GOD!

JESUS came down from Heaven to save us! HIS work on the Cross saved us! HIS great love saves people from their wrong doings called sin. You cannot save yourself, you will die physically someday. You need to trust the one who is the Creator GOD and came back from the dead after HE was brutally beaten by the hands of sinful men, then placed on a wooden cross and nailed to it then died on it. But HE came back from the dead 3 days later showing HE had power over sin and death. You need to know HIM because HE can save you today! You matter to GOD so much that HE provided the way out for you and if you receive HIM as Saviour also provided for you a place in Heaven someday with eternal life where there is no sin, no sickness, no bad things or bad people, just happiness, Joy and HIS caring and love forever!

The Bible says in the Book of Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8 & 9:

For by grace are ye (YOU) saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GOD: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Trust in JESUS today. HE did the work to save you and HE will if you ask HIM.

WE are all sinners and need HIS love and forgiveness. Believe on and in HIS work. People in JESUS' day when he was here on earth asked HIM this: (Then said they unto HIM, what shall we do, that we may work the works of GOD? JESUS answered and said unto them, This is the work of GOD, that ye (YOU) believe on HIM whom HE hath sent. Gospel of John 6:28,29)

For whosoever shall Call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved. Roman 10:13

Having a difficult time? Let JESUS help you today! Save you today!

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